Saturday, April 21, 2007

Imus I can get your Job back!
I having been very attentive to the Imus fans and I am willing to make sure this dude gets a second chance but on my own terms,
In the interest of the "Free seech" idiots and the "you can shit in your watering hole" morons, "biting the hand that feed you" retards, "self-sabotaging" lunatics, Imus will be rehired subject to the following terms;
All the destructive, poisons, inflamatory parodies should be directed at;
His employers
His interview guests
Scares and anxiety attacks based on false and speculative Health hazards and risks from using advertisers' services and products.
Scares and anxiety attacks based on false and speculative Safety hazards and risks from using advertisers' services and products.
Rumours of scndal, frauds at advertisers companies.
Insult and make hurtful and insensitive jokes at the expense of the clients and customers of the advertisers of his show.
Make insensitive jokes about the intellegence of the users of the show advertisers' products and services.
The insults and inflamtory jokes must piggy-back the correponding adverts
Make insulting and destructive parodies on the quality and prices of the advertisers' products and services
Make damaging parodies on the bosses of the show's advertiser companies.
Make hurtful and destructive satire on the dignity of the employees of the advertising companies
References to the advertisers should be direct.
His co-workers
The advertising giant like coca-cola, IBM GM
All the major companies companies that refuse to advertise on his show
He should give the listners a high octane dosage of defamation at those organisations that bring revenue to his employers.
He can abuse and violate the dignity of his kin
Any attacks against blacks will be off-limit
Promote and glorify the products and services of competitors of the show's advertisers
Engage in idle and damaging gossip concerning his advertisers.
Take in any false and unsubstantiated complaints and grievances concerning the advertisers' products, services and treatment of employees
PS If the advertisers won't tolerate such an Imus why did they tolerate an Imus who was doing those exact things to the black people?
The Don Imus Scandal is clear evidence of a pernicious conspiracy by some White Corperations to exploit the racist hatred of Don Imus to achieve their objectives of disenfranchising and disempowering black people.
Some white coperations are using racist and racist deniers like Don Imus to discount any achievements by blacks and focus on negative propaganda.

Evasive Stupidity
Guess what, I'm not dead! Maybe not just yet. Well, I had to undergo all these diagnostic tests and when the MD has to hunt around to locate me soon after getting the results, you can guess the doom nature of the results!
Well I had to soak in all the sh*t about the DON IMUS scandal like a good old Oriel Cookie! Well the uncle Toms had a field day, and boy it was a sad time to be black!
The most pathetic attempt to justify the unjustifiable and wishful desire to keep Imus on the job was by Michael Meyers; Let the Idiocy Be Heard. I got no kind or printable comments on this Michael Meyers dude. The least I can say is, Michael Meyers come back home, All is forgiven!
The scandal laid bare and naked some thorny issues in the black-black relations, black-white relations and racism;
Intellectual dishonesty
Learning disabilities
a view into the conscience of pimping and prostituting Oriel Cookie lobbysts
evasive stupidity
moral and
ethical bankruptcy
The issue was never Rap artists; The Rap artists degrade fictional mothers and sisters. That's artistic licence. Just like it is not pornography if it is artistic!
Just because one listens to some vile and degrading labels on fictional mothers and sisters in some of the rap songs, does not jusify one to go and transfer the labels onto one's or other peoples' mothers or sisters.
There is no hypocrisy in the call for Imus to get lost; Rap artists = fictional works degrading women; Imus = an idiot degrading REAL women he does not even know just because of his racist prejudices against their race.
Getting away with an apology would have been a victory for racist and racist-deniers as the show would have received billions of dollars of free promotion and publicity and every racist and racist-denier in America will be a listner; the unconscienable advertisers would be there to promote the Racist Brotherhood of America!
Imus violated those girls' dignity in front of millions of people
There is nothing that substantiates how these young girls of Rutgers were identified.
Imus slandered the chastity of some wonderful athletes he has never known or met just because of their color and race
Rutgers women did not deserve this and they should be defended
Imus is free to say whatever he likes and he has -- but freedom of speech does not mean freedom from disapproval or censure, when what is said is disgraceful, disgusting, and deliberately hurtful.
The Imus show was at the pleasure and goodwill of the advertisers and the public
With the public outrage, Imus was history as the advertisers were next in line for prostituting and pimping a hate monger.
Just because the unconscienable companies have been prostituting and pimping their products and services using the racist hate monger for 30 years, does not mean the public will let them get away with it today or tomorrow.
How come these unconscienable advertisers won't let anyone get away free by defaming, in front of millions of people, their companies, officers, products and services. The hypocrisy is these idiotic companies are prostituting their products by defaming REAL black people.
Ask any American Company how disinformation and misinformation made them lose out markets, product launch disasters, and caused financial disasters in Europe.
Why don't the advertisers advertise on shows that disparage and destroy the reputation of their services and products?
In America these same companies are only too happy to sponsor the disinformation and misinformation to destroy black people.
The Don Imus Scandal is clear evidence of a pernicious conspiracy by some White Corperations to exploit the racist hatred of Don Imus to achieve their objectives of disenfranchising and disempowering black people.
Some white coperations are using racist and racist deniers like Don Imus to discount any achievements by blacks and focus on negative propaganda.
The Imus Affair is not a free speech issue, it is an issue of moral accountability, ethical accountability
Freedom of speech also comes with freedoom of the public to say "You're fired" to people like Imus. No one should take away the masses right to revolt and say "Enough is Enough!"
Freedom of speech does not mean "freedom from the consequences"
One of the purposes of free speech is to allow everyone to be heard. Now that we have heard Imus we can talk to him and others about his bigotry.
If the Viacom dude can fire Tom Cruise for among things jumping on a couch on the Opra Show and insensitivity to Post-natal depressive women; how on earth could a beastly hate monger get away free.
From the New York Times: Fired or Quit, Tom Cruise Parts Ways With Studio “As much as we like him personally, we thought it was wrong to renew his deal,” Mr. Redstone told The Wall Street Journal, which first reported the studio’s decision on its Web site. “His recent conduct has not been acceptable to Paramount.”
From the Washington Post: Viacom's Rationale: Cruise Is Risky Business. "It's nothing to do with his acting ability, he's a terrific actor," the 83-year-old billionaire said. "But we don't think that someone who effectuates creative suicide and costs the company revenue should be on the lot
From the slate: Why Tom Cruise Really Got Fired
Media stud: Tom CruiseTitle/position: Movie star, producer, expert on the history of mental illness, Scientologist Year fired: 2006Ostensible reasons: Strange behavior alienated female fans; his movies cost too muchReal reason: Sweet deal Cruise negotiated called for him to get 30 percent of gross; he angered Mrs. Redstone; more money for TomKat and their daughter Suri means less money for Sumner and his daughter Shari What he's doing now: Charming hedge funds into funding his projects
Freedom of expression
Freedom of expression = Freedom of speech
Freedom of expression = Freedom to Jump on Couch on a talk show
Freedom of expression = Freedom to express your opinions on Scientology or depression medicines
Freedom of expression ≠ freedom from responsibility
Freedom of expression ≠ freedom from accountability
Freedom of expression ≠ Freedom from paying the price for the consequnces of one's expression
Freedom of expression = freedom to choose to be an idiot
Freedom of expression ≠ freedom of dangerous lunatics to cause mayhem or to pose danger without restraints. (Oaklahoma bombing, Sept 11 Attacks, Virginia Tech Massacre etc)
Freedom of expression ≠ freedom to harm, impair other people
Freedom of expression ≠ freedom from being ignored, shunned, tuned out by the public
Freedom of expression ≠ freedom from being sued for defamtion (see Honda v Consumer Reports)
Where were all these idiots and morons when Tom Cruise was fired. I'm sure these morons were part of the mob celebrating his ouster. Freedoom of jumping on the the couch anybody!
The issue was never the Reverends; no matter what anyone's regard for them was.
It is inappropriate to hide behind the first amendment to justify one’s destructive and insensitive remarks.
So to all Oriole Cookies, Aunt Jemimas, Uncle Toms; All is forgiven!
So to all the haters, oppressors, racists, racist-deniers, Uncle Toms. Auntie Jemimas, Oriel Cookies, losers, idiots, morons, the EVASIVE STUPIDITY and begging the questions games are OVER!


Monday, April 10, 2006

Crap Alert 1.0
The end of information (forget knowledge or wisdom)? The news regurgitaters have taken over and some of their outpouring are not just crappy but freaky too. Some of these news dudes are taking good reports and regurgitating pure kak or crap. How have news organisation of all shades sunk to such stinking and creepy depths?
The Crap Alert award for the week;
News search results: Zimbabwe + "UN report" + "life expectancy" (Please Note: not all results shown below are crap or kak some are gems and demonstrate excllence in newsmaship!)
For those stumped by the jargon or need a refresher here is WHO's glossary or download the golssary in .doc format. The WHO's statistics; Annex Table 1 Basic indicators for all Member States [pdf 230kb] The WHO web page; The world health report 2006 - working together for health
And now a cusual glance at the news search result for our query:
ZIMBABWE: Adult population to die before age 40, says UN report (IRIN, JOHANNESBURG) The CRAP ALERT WINNER for the week and strangely the most recycled)
ZIMBAWE: Adult population to die before age 40, says UN report
Reuters AlertNet - London,England,UK (original source IRIN)
Life shortest in ZimbabweTVNZ, New Zealand -
Zimbabwe has shortest life expectancyMonsters and, UK
Zimbabwe tops WHO's list of low life expectanciesGlobe and Mail, Canada -
WHO report says life expectancy in nation torn by AIDS and extreme ... Houston Chronicle, United States
Zimbabweans live the least: WHOFinancial Express, India
Life Does Not Begin At, New Zealand
Zimbabwe: Adult Population to Die Before Age 40, Says UN, Washington - (original source IRIN)
ZIMBABWE: Adult population to die before age 40, says UN reportPolitical Affairs Magazine, (original source IRIN)
Zimbabweans live shortest New,UK
Zimbabweans have 'shortest lives' Kenya Broadcasting Corporation, Kenya -
Zimbabwe has shortest life expectancy Malaysia Sun - Malaysia
One of the major souce of kak newsmaship was the reporting on the judgement of Da Vinci Code copyright lawsuit. I won't bother going into the kakmanship of some dudes out there but the case report report from British and Irish Legal Information Institute, here, speaks for itself. I don't see the reason for all the kakmaship in the news reports. The law report is crystal clear , so why all the crap! Check out the various stories are out there, try to see if you id the kak from the gems.
It may be the warning against plagiarism at school and in news organisations has really stifled the intellect of some dudes out there. Some of the crap can only be explained as being due to pure stupidity.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Idiotic Standards: Reutrs Alertnet; ZIMBABWE: Adult population to die before age 40, says UN report
Is it ignorance, stupidity or immunity to education the qualification one need to be an editor/writer for the Reuters AlertNet or IRIN?

We might as well have monkeys or baboons as editors if that is the direction things are going!

It is an understement to say I am irritated by the the story : ZIMBABWE: Adult population to die before age 40, says UN report

It takes all sort of KAK to make news organisations these days, just ask our friends at Reuters AlertNet

Any moron can wave the UN banner, but that does not mask the NAZI genes behind these morons. Africa does not need these NAZIs and kak.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Simbai Mukusha's Weblog
Open Letter to Mr Clinton; Africa does not need your hypocrisies

Ex-President Bill Clinton Supports Compulsory Testing for AIDS


Dear Mr. Clinton,

Let me start by saying I am someone who is passionate about the providing relevant solutions to the tragedy caused by HIV, Human Rights, privacy, and bringing to justice the perpetrators of racial discrimination.

Mr. Clinton if you could put a millionth of the passion you into the Monica Lewinsky affair (and also the deception) to the tragedy caused by HIV Africa you should humbly lead by example not by hypocrisy. Here's why;

1. If you really believe in what you say why don't you demonstrate with successfully fighting for USA legislation requiring all African Americans and gays to undergo mandatory periodic HIV testing. You don't want to wait till the figures are like that for Sub-Saharan Africa?
2. Can imposing on one endangered race survival measures take precedence over privacy/constitutional rights/human rights? (There usually is an exclusion clause somewhere!)
3. Is it racism/discrimination when mandatory HIV testing is
coerced/forced unto one continent/country/race for that group's own good and survival? (there are coercision alternatives ranging from free scholarships, bribes free-trade sweetners or threats like isolation?)

4. Do you see see any referendums on the universality of mandatory HIV testing taking place any place or time soon? (now thats a challenge; its easier to bribe 10-20 people not millions?)

5. In the case of an emergence or crisis like HIV is moving towards, do you see democracy or autocray being a more effective?

6. Is it no longer relevant for charity to begin at home, or leadership to be by example?

7. The poor HIV-ravaged African countries have to do like the foriegn charities/benefactors preach not what these outsiders practice back home?

Saturday, April 12, 2003

Hello World!